Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Kenapa melarikan diri dari saya?

Saya datang ke office awak hari tu. Lama saya ketuk pintu bilik awak tetapi awak tak keluar.Mujurlah tiba-tiba kawan serumah awak datang (macam kebetulan pula). Dia bawa saya ke students cafetaria. Lama juga kami berbual.Saya tanya mira di mana? Saya tahu awak ada di sana, saya dapat merasakan kehadiran awak. Kenapa awak lari dari saya? Adakah saya ini seorang yang terlalu jahat sehingga awak membenci saya? Saya cuma ingin berjumpa awak dan menerangkan keadaan yang sebenar. Saya ingin awak memahami perasaan saya terhadap awak. Saya ingin berbicara dengan awak.Janganlah buat saya macam ni. Hina benarkah saya ini?

Thursday, November 18, 2010

White roses...a pure devotion

Kak Lin cakap awak suka white rose, so here you are.

True love

In most cases we think: this is true love, when in fact it’s not. But than if this ain’t love than what it is? There are plenty of things that we confuse with love.

It could be just the basic instinct. The feelings can be passionate and crazy, but in fact both people may want only sex. And after it all the misunderstanding starts, and once infatuated lovers will find out that they have nothing in common and sometimes they don’t even know what to talk with each other.

Another variant is when people lack support, care and attention to their person or they just scared to stay single. Being with someone can be a habit when one simply got used to the other. It can either be a sick addiction or some self-interest. People call all these types of relationship love just by mistake or trying to conceal the true nature of it.

But than what does real love look and feel like? Maybe it’s when two people seem to know each other for ages and even in their previous lives. They can go on talking and talking and conversation never lacks topics and never gets dull. Or people don’t have to say anything because they understand each other without words. And those moments, minutes and even hours of silence are never uncomfortable. True love is when partners complete one another, when they’re together it’s peaceful, the whole other world with it’s sufferings and problems doesn’t exist and nothing even matters.

True love means understanding. One trusts another more than him/herself and feels ready to satisfy every little need of a partner. Two people don’t stop for a second looking into each other eyes.
It’s said that two persons truly in love aren’t looking at each other but in the one direction. And this is rather reasonable because they don’t say nothing “this is yours and this is mine” and share everything: friends, enemies, interests, problems and etc. One has his/her own identity but sees him/herself only as a part of the other. Still real love is not a relationship of property. If you really love someone you may say “I belong you” but always be ready to let go if it makes the person you love happy.

Jealousy stands out of the true love. How can one be jealous if there’s so much love and faithfulness? Real love doesn’t long for power, it doesn’t want to hurt, doesn’t want to punish for mistakes, it’s self-sacrificing and ready to forgive other and other again. But it’s wrong to think that true love is always a suffering, it only means that you take a person as he or she is and don’t expect the one you love to be perfect.

True love isn’t supposed to blow your mind, yet it doesn’t tend to get and to possess – it’s a and very special state of a soul.

But the question that true love is still has no definite answer. Do we truly love only once in our life? At what age are we supposed to meet our love? Does it last for a lifetime or just for a while? Probably everyone has his own answers to this questions. The truth is that no one should spend life chasing ideals or building relationships by some model of a true love. One will probably fail and miss the real thing beyond all this.

We should remember that very many things we need to supply our healthy and comfortable living but only the true feeling of love makes life really longer and happier. And this is scientifically proved.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Good news

Saya ada berita baik ni.Saya dah ditawarkan kerja dengan American company tu.Ingat tak dulu saya tulis email bagitau tentang interview tu? Mira baca tak email saya?Saya akan mula bertugas di Texas pada awal tahun 2011. Saya rasa semakin dekat dengan awak Mira, walaupun awak tak pernah layan saya. Perasaan tu tak pernah hilang. Saya tahu awak tak cintakan saya.Tapi saya akan terus menyintai awak hingga ke akhir hayat saya. Saya tahu saya bodoh sangat.Tetapi saya rasa berbaloi menyintai insan yang baik seperti awak. Sebenarnya kualiti pada diri awaklah yang membuat saya tertarik.

Monday, November 1, 2010


Apakhabar awak kat sana? Saya masih menanti jawapan email awak? Saya tak tahu sampai bila penantian ni akan berakhir...?

Sunday, October 24, 2010


Ingat tak gambar ni?  Masa tu awak baru jer masuk kerja.Awak dan Kak Lin sarapan kat pantry. Gambar ni  Kak Lin yang bagi.  I really missed u Amirah.....Saya mula menaruh hati pada awak dari hari pertama awak masuk kerja....Cuma saya malu nak melafazkan. Dan memang itulah kesilapan saya.  Saya terlalu pemalu.  Kerana itu jugalah saya terlepas. Alangkah baiknya kalau saya berterus-terang dengan awak dari awal lagi.  Sehingga kini saya masih menyesali perbuatan saya. Kenapalah saya tak berterus-terang dengan awak dari dulu lagi.?

Adakah email2 saya dibaca?

Amirah,  hari ni hari Isnin. Bosan rasanya kerja semenjak awak tak ada kat ofis. Hari-hari saya tengok tempat duduk awak.  Setiap kali itu juga hati saya rasa sayu. Kenapa saya jadi macam ni sedangkan saya tahu awak tak pernah memikirkan langsung tentang saya. Kalau dulu saya selalu mengambil peluang untuk tengok awak semasa awak pergi solat kat surau.  Tapi kini semua tu dah tak ada lagi.  Amirah, setiap solat saya sentiasa mendoakan agar awak mendapat kesejahteraan di sana.  Percayalah saya tak akan dapat melupakan awak.  Jika, suatu hari nanti, dia mengecewakan awak, saya ada di sini. Saya sentiasa menanti awak.....percayalah